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Phone: +45 7218 5061
Address: IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S
I am an Associate Professor in Interaction Design at the IT University of Copenhagen in the Department of Digital Design. My field of research is humanistic interaction design, where I have been at the forefront of introducing affect theoretical findings from cultural and critical theory into the joint fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and design. In the last five years, this has led to a deep research engagement with affective and emotional aspects of people-centered healthcare, as well as an expanded care-driven agenda spanning environment, social, and mental ecologies. My scientific contribution is interdisciplinary in nature with publications across multiple fields.
I have founded and am head of the Affective Interaction & Relations (AIR) Lab at the IT University of Copenhagen where I have also been Head of the Design Research Section from 2021-24. I am currently PI in the VELUX Core Group TRACE – TRAnsformations in CarE (2023-2027) and the DFF Humanities Research Project 1 Voice as a Matter of Design; a Framework for Novel Vocal Imaginaries (2022-2025). Earlier I obtained funding for an Industrial PhD in collaboration with the Digital Healthcare Company DAMAN (2019) and I have co-managed the DFF Humanities Research Project 2 on Affects, Interfaces, Events(2015-2021) concluded by a co-edited anthology on Imbricate! Press.
Since 2003, I have published 60+ refereed publications and am working on an accepted book proposal with Open Humanities Press for a co-written book with the title “Fields of Experience: Affective Transductions across Media and Design Philosophy”.